General FAQ’s

What is a payment gateway?

A payment gateway links your web site to the credit card processing companies and your merchant account. When your customer enters his or her credit card number on your web site, the payment gateway obtains authorization for the charge, which will then settle into your merchant account.

What banks can I use with Windcave?

Windcave in most cases can be your merchant service provider, in the scenario you want to use a different provider you can view all supported payment process partners here.

What payment methods can I accept using Windcave?

Windcave accepts all popular payment methods such as Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Diner’s Discover, JCB and UnionPay International.

They also accept a wide range of local and alternative payment methods like, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Alipay, WeChat Pay, Account2Account, Klarna, Farmlands etc. To learn more about all accepted payment methods, please contact our sales team to discuss.

What is SSL?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a method of ensuring that information submitted through your Web site is secure and cannot be accessed by unauthorized users. When a site offers an SSL-secured form, the information submitted via that form (typically credit card information) is encrypted using a special certificate key and then decrypted with another key after it has been transmitted. When users access a site secured with SSL using their browser, a symbol displays in their browser windows indicating that the site is secure.

We would like to take payments on our own web site via our SSL certificate. What would be the best solution for us?

Windcave have a range of Merchant Hosted Solutions REST APi based solutions like AJAX or Form Post sessions.

Can I take payments online without an SSL certificate?

If you do not have an SSL certificate or do not plan to have an SSL certification. Our Hosted Payment Page (HPP) solution will allow you to take payments without an SSL certification. Please contact our sales team to discuss your requirements.

I already have a merchant account for my physical store, can I use this for my online business?

You will need to setup an additional electronic merchant number for online payments.

What are MOTO transactions?

MOTO means Mail Order / Telephone Order. With MOTO transactions the merchant never receives a signature or PIN from the customer, but only the credit card number and expiration date and this is manually entered to process the payment.

We process a lot of MOTO transactions, is there a solution to streamline this?

Paylink offers a convenient replacement to MOTO transactions and can be integrated, alternatively Batch Processor allows you to group all your payments into a spreadsheet (CSV file) to batch process in one go.

3D Secure Authentication

How does 3D Secure work?

It requires the card holder to enter a One Time Password (OTP) as an additional step to entering their credit card details that is verified by the issuing bank. Once the issuing bank has verified the code, the user is then redirected back to the merchants web site and payment is completed.

What Windcave products support 3D Authentication?

3D Secure Authentication is enabled off the shelf with the Hosted Payments Solution (where payment is taken on our secure pages) and is also available on Merchant Hosted Payment Page session solutions like AJAX or Form POST.

Batch Processor FAQ’s

Do file names matter to the Batch Processor?

File names for batches only matter locally in preventing the batch processor client from processing the same file twice. However, the actual name of the file does not impact upon the operation of the processor.

When using BAT Batch Processor, does the Batch Processor ensure that files are not processed twice or must my application remove processed input files from the directory before starting a new processing run?

The BAT Batch Processor ensures that records are processed once only and inclu[object Object]des full power-fail recovery. If power fails during a processing run, processing is resumed after restart at the correct record. BAT will not process files twice as it ignores all files with _OUT as the last part of the filename and files are automatically renamed to have this extension as part of processing.

I am the IT support engineer here and have been installing your PX server and Batch Processor software as per the instructions I was sent. However, I cannot ping the IP address' you have listed?

You actually will not be able to ping us, as we only have a few ports open and the rest are behind a firewall. First you have to see if your own firewalls are letting you communicate outside on port 3007. Please telnet to our host instead on this port.

Is Card Verification Code (CVC) always validated?

CVC2 isn't validated by all banks/acquirers, so you should ask your acquirer if they support it. CVC2 should be requested even if your acquirer may not support it, as all cardholders will have this additional verification number.

There is no input field/property to allow the card type to be specified, Visa, MasterCard etc.

You do not need to specify the card type. Windcave is online to the acquirer and the card type is determined from the card number. Card type used is returned for successful transactions in the Cardname property.

How do we enable refunds for the Payline Portal?

Contact Windcave and request Refunds for your logon name

Does my software need to retain the original card number in order to process a complete or refund transaction?

NO. Do not store card or expiry details, rather store just DPSTxnRef /transactionID returned by the original transaction.

How does Windcave handle Refund Transactions?

A refund transaction transfers (refunds) money from the Merchant account to a cardholder account. This transaction is used for example, when goods are returned or in other circumstances at the discretion of the merchant. Refunds need to be matched with their original purchase/complete transaction, which is returned its response as DpsTxnRef/Transaction ID. Each component reference has a section on doing refund transactions. Also merchants have access to the Payline portal to handle refunds manually, if they do not wish to build their own interface.

Is Cardholder name field validated?

No, the cardholder name is not validated. Only the card number and expiry date are verified by your acquirer.

Is there a message that I can use to reassure my customers that their transaction will be secure?

The Windcave privacy policy should be linked on your payment page.

Can Windcave handle multiple simultaneous transactions?

Yes, we can. However, each transaction needs to be processed by an electronic merchant number given to us by the merchant. So, how many simultaneous transactions we can accept depends on how many electronic merchant numbers you have.

Hosted Payment Page (HPP) FAQ’s

What is the difference between Merchant Hosted Payment Page (MHPP) and the Hosted Payments Page (HPP)?

The difference is that MHPP takes payment on your secure payment page and you get the response given back to you in the backend messaging, whereas the Windcave HPP takes payment on the Windcave secure servers after being forwarded from your site with the order details and we send you back the response to your insecure pages etc.

How do I get my logo to show on the Hosted Payment Page and change the titles for TxnData1,2 and 3 fields?

You can make changes to the customization of your Hosted Payment Page profile by logging into your gateway profiles Payline portal username and applying the relevant changes.


I am a BNZ/NAB merchant and have customers trying to make payment in USD with their Amex and Diners cards and are getting errors. Why is that?

These acquirers process Visa & MasterCard payments only. If you have merchant facilities with Diners & Amex for example as well, those card types can only be processed in their home currency.

Which acquirers can support processing in currencies other than my home currency?

BNZ, NAB, Global Payments, Barclay Card, Westpac Pacific and Fiserv Asia are the only external acquirers who support multiple currencies with Windcave.

Account2Account FAQ’s

What is Account2Account?

Account2Account (A2A) is an ecommerce solution that allows merchants to accept online bank transfers as an alternative to card transactions

Why use Account2Account?

Account2Account allows your customers to choose to pay via online bank transfer on at your online checkout. This provides options for your customers to pay with their preferred method.

Is Account2Account secure?

Just like our popular HPP solution, the A2A solution is hosted securely at Windcave, s level 1 service provider and PCI DSS Compliant.

Abiding by the comprehensive set of requirements of PCI DSS means that Windcave use the latest security technologies to ensure the safe handling of all sensitive data. The same security features setup on the customer's bank account such as additional authentication methods are prompted during the Account2Account payment process.

Click here to view our PCI DSS Compliance Certificate. Does Account2Account store any of my bank credential information?

No, Windcave or the Account2Account solution will never store any bank credential information. The information is inputted by the customer and is used to enable and facilitate the payment transfer only and will not be recorded.

How does Account2Account work?

Account2Account provides a solution for merchants to accept payments directly into their bank account by creating a one-off online payment using the customer's online banking portal. This sort of facility is already widely used where a merchant provides their bank account details and customers pay by creating a one-off payment manually via their online banking portal. The key difference is that with account2account, the one-off payment is created on a secure page hosted at Windcave. Windcave can authoritatively inform the merchant when a payment is created, and the customer is redirected back to the merchant's website once payment is created.

In terms of the customer experience, the customer will be redirected to a Windcave hosted payments page when payment is ready to be taken. The customer simply selects their bank, follows the prompts and once the payment process is complete, the customer will be redirected back to the merchant website.

A simple demo of this service can be found here.

Do I need to download or install anything to use Account2Account?

No, there is no download necessary for customers to use Account2Account. All Account2Account software is hosted securely at Windcave. Merchants will need to integrate to the Account2Account specification as per this document.

How much does Account2Account cost?

Please get in touch our sales team to discuss rate plans.

Can I ship goods or provide the service once Account2Account has provided an ‘APPROVED’ response?

This is up to the merchant's discretion. This is because some banks allow their customers to cancel online payments before the transfer is settled.

This means that there is a window where the customer if they wish to, could have made a payment via Account2Account, and then cancel the payment manually via their own online banking portal before settlement. This risk can be mitigated by shipping goods/services once funds have settled.

What do I do if I need to refund a customer?

Merchants who need to refund their customers who have paid by Account2Account will need to manually refund via their bank account.

What are the possible A2A payment results? Success Payment have been processed successfully. Insufficient Funds Payment using A2A has failed due to insufficient available funds to complete the transaction. Logon Timeout Payment using A2A has been cancelled as your online banking logon timed out. General Error Payment using A2A cannot be completed at this time due to service interruption. Possible Payment Error Payment was affected by service interruption, but payment has possibly occurred.

Payline Merchant Portal

How do I change my Payline Password?

You can change your password under the ‘User Accounts>Change Password’ menu option.

I am getting a declined when trying to do a refund transaction. What is wrong with the transaction?

This could be a few things. Refunds need to be enabled on your electronic merchant number and a daily limit is set. You should contact Windcave to see what your specific problem may be.

I get an invalid refund credential response when I try and process a refund transaction.

The password is the same that you use to login to the Payline portal.

When I try and put through a refund transaction, I get a response R1 saying Daily refund limit is exceeded.

You will need to contact Windcave Support to make sure that your user daily refund limit is set correctly.

I keep getting disconnected after not using the portal.

It is one of the PCI DSS requirements for the user to re-logon to the Payline portal, if the user has been idle for more than 15 minutes.

How can I refund a transaction via Payline?

Refunds can be processed by going to Payline portal menu ‘Transaction Search’, locating the transaction you want to refund, select it and navigate to the ‘Refund’ Tab then follow the subsequent required inputs.

I am inquiring for the exact time a transaction will be settled. I am writing to confirm that transactions will have a "cut-off" point at which point transactions will no longer settle on the current day but will settle the next day. Can you explain?

Acquirers usually settle in the evening depending on your merchant number. Transactions that hit our system before this time settle on that day, and the next day for transactions after that time. Every transaction comes back with a settlement time from the acquirer, so they ultimately say when it is going to be settled.

Where are the details that appear on our customers bank statements specified?

Apart from merchants using the FDRA Australian network, the acquirer specifies what will appear on the customers statements. If you would like a different name to appear on them, then you are best to contact your acquirer representative. If you are transacting on the FDRA network, then you will need to inform us what you would like to appear on your cardholder's statements and also inform your acquirer.

What is the difference between the Transaction Date and the DateSettlement?

Transaction date is the date of authorisation, date settlement is the date that the transaction is applied to the merchant bank account.

What is the difference between the Transaction Date and the DateSettlement?

Transaction date is the date of authorisation, date settlement is the date that the transaction is applied to the merchant bank account.

I am trying to find my transactions processed today through the reporting system, but no transactions are showing up on the report.

What might be happening is that you have chosen the wrong date range. When you first logon the date range is set automatically to yesterday's date. Also note that the time range is from 0:00 to 0:00, so if you are looking for a transaction on the 22nd at 10 am, you will need to search from the 22nd to 23rd as the end date.

Regarding account reconciliation - the bank accounts do not give us the ability to distinguish between two orders received on the same day with the same price. Can reference numbers or order numbers appear on the statements? Who should we contact for this?

The banking networks do not allow any extra fields/references to be passed through to them. However, you should have the same balance on your bank statements as our reports. Our reports show the individual transaction and their responses.

Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale (EFTPOS)

Does the EFTPOS Terminal work in a Citrix environment?

Yes, the PINpad and Communication Server services need to be installed on the Citrix server. You need a free COM port on your terminal client (which is mapped through to your server) to connect the EFTPOS terminal.

Does the EFTPOS Terminal work on an I.P capable network? What other connection types are available?

Yes, the internet (tcp/ip) is the main form of communication, but other redundant connections like GPRS are available.

Does every terminal need access to the internet?

No, they can talk across your LAN/WAN to a server that has the EFTPOS Communication Server installed. They can connect directly out as well if the terminal machine has the Communication Server installed as well.

How are refunds carried out by the merchant?

Refunds are done like normal purchase transactions (except TxnType will be "Refund"), where the credit card is keyed in or received by swiping the card (track data). A supervisor card is needed for each terminal in addition to this, which you need to request from your bank.

What happens when I get a "Transmission Error" response for a transaction?

Your 1st step should be to check if your telecommunications lines are still active and your Keyset hasn't changed. You should then proceed to contact Windcave to help troubleshoot.

What is the CAID and CATID I enter when running the setup (configuration) of a terminal?

The CAID is the electronic merchant number you receive from your acquirer and is known as EFTPOS merchant number. The CATID is the Terminal Id that is to be used with your electronic merchant number.

What is the HostId to use?

This should be 001 for live Worldline transactions. If you are using the Worldline test host, this will be 541. The Windcave test network is 997 and will only work with Windcave test cards.

When I use my EFTPOS client/POS, it freezes when it tries to do a transaction. What is the problem?

You need to have write/modify permissions on the EFTPOS installation directory for the system to work, as it needs to store temporary data on the system.

I have a few terminals in my shop, when I run setup (configuration) how do I know what terminal id (CATID) to insert?

This will be pre-configured in the installation. If this isn't set you should contact us.

What are the minimum system requirements for EFTPOS?

You need to have minimum Windows 2003 or XP with Internet Explorer 6 or greater to run Windcave EFTPOS. You should have the latest patches installed as well for any required libraries.

Is Windcave terminal solutions fully compliant with the latest EMV standard?

Yes, it complies with current EMV standards.

When I go to do a transaction, I get a printer error message. Why is this?

The Pin pad client cannot find the printer driver to use. Go to the Receipt printer in "Printers and Faxes" control panel to make sure your printer is still listed. You will either need the printer spooler name in the pin pad config file or if it is the default printer this can be set as well.

Is the EFTPOS terminal fully compliant to the 3DES security standard?

Yes, the terminal uses 3DES security and TLS authentication

What happens if a transaction is declined when uploading EOV online?

Any receipts associated to a DECLINED offline upload must be kept and submitted to the bank with the signed receipt to recover payment.

Why am I now asked to enter a PIN when connecting a PINpad?

PIN entry is a new security function to prevent unauthorised swapping of terminals. When a terminal is disconnected a prompt will be displayed saying 'PINpad is connected enter merchant password'. You will be instructed to enter a PIN number of your choice the first time EFTPOS installer is installed. When the PINpad is re-connected or EFTPOS service is restarted the prompt will re-appear and will require the PIN to match. Note: If no PIN is entered and OK is pressed, the dialog will close, and the terminal will be unable to logon because the terminal is expecting a PIN without displaying the dialog. To resolve the issue restart the EFTPOS service

When will the money processed in EOV mode reach my back account?

The money will be settled to your bank account as part of the settlement for the period in which the transactions were uploaded online to the bank. This will not necessarily be the same settlement period as that in which the transactions were processed offline.

Transaction Types

What is the difference between Purchase and Auth/Complete transaction type payments?

Purchase debits the card in real time, if you need to cancel the transaction because you do not have the stock or just not willing to ship the product you need to do a refund. Authorisation on the other hand, transfers no money. It validates the card and guarantees it will be approved for the amount and ties the funds up for seven days. If you do not wish to take money from the client you literally do nothing, and the hold on the money will expire after 7 days. If you wish to take payment you can complete it within 7 days.

I wish to switch from "Purchase" type transactions to an Auth/Complete transaction type model. Please tell me the process.

You will need to contact us to turn on any new functionality and receive advice on what needs to change in your systems. Also, your electronic merchant number with your bank needs to be set up for the "tipping" (Auth/complete) transaction type. Windcave can help confirm this.

What is the difference between an Auth transaction and a Validate transaction?

Validate just makes sure it is a valid card and authorizes a dollar charge, so that you know it isn't an expired card or stolen etc. It is used for token billing purposes as a 1st transaction to store a billing id at the same time. Alternatively, you could charge the card with a purchase. Note that the Validate transaction type may not be enabled by default on live accounts. Please make a request to Windcave Support if you would like to utilise this transaction type.

Acquiring FAQ’s

What is a Merchant Services? Merchant services is a service provided to merchants in order to accept debit/credit card transactions or alternative payment methods. This includes QR based payment methods and digital wallets. What is the Merchant Operating Guide?

The Merchant Operating Guide provides guidance in the operation of your Merchant facilities and the acceptance of Visa, MasterCard, American Express and UnionPay Credit and Debit cards or any other payment schemes defined in the merchant agreement.

The Merchant Operating Guide forms part of your agreement with Windcave for Merchant Services and must be complied with. The Merchant Operating Guide may be varied or updated from time to time by Windcave as required.

What is a merchant account?

A merchant account is a type of financial account that allows a business to accept and process electronic payment transactions. A Merchant Account has a one to one relationship with a Card Present or Card Not Present store. Each Merchant Account will have it’s own settlement.

What does Card Present and Card Not Present mean?

Card Present (CP) transactions is when the card used for purchase in physically in the store at the time of the transaction. All other transactions such as orders taken over the phone, a mail order or online is considered a Card Not Present (CNP) transaction.

What credit cards will I be able to accept?

Windcave offers a range of global and local payment methods acceptance. The acceptance will be dependent on your region. Global payment methods include Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB, Diner’s, Discover and UnionPay international. To discuss more about the payment methods available in your region, please contact [email protected].

Can I accept international credit cards?

You will be able to accept credit cards whether they are domestic or international provided you have a merchant account that supports the specific credit card scheme. Please contact [email protected] to discuss all the range of card issuers you will be able to accept.

What is Dynamic Currency Conversion?

Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) is a financial service that allows you to accept international Visa and MasterCard payments in multiple currencies via your payment terminal with settlement in your local currency direct to your nominated bank account.

Your international Visa and MasterCard customers will know the exact home currency amount that will be charged to their credit card₂ while you gain the convenience of being paid in your local currency.

Your business will receive a Merchant Service Fee rebate for all international Visa and MasterCard transactions that are converted to your international customer’s home currency.

Applying for a Merchant Service account

How do I apply for a merchant services account?

New merchants can apply for Windcave Merchant Services via our online form. Existing merchants should get in touch by emailing [email protected] and one of our team members will get in touch.

How long does it take to setup?

Applications generally take 5 – 10 business days once all required documentation is completed and returned.

Is there any minimum contract period for the agreement?

Yes, there will be a 36-month term from the start date of the agreement.

Are there any costs involved if I am looking to cancel?

There are cancellation fees, please contact [email protected] to discuss further.

What information is required to complete the application?

The following documents will be required:

- Government issued identification (Driver’s license, Passport etc).

- Proof of address (utility bill, government document, signed lease agreement, etc)

- Proof of bank account (Bank Statement)

Windcave may request for certified copies. Please refer to the application form for a full list of the documents required.

Merchant Service Fees

What is a Merchant Service Fee?

The Merchant Service Fee (MSF) is the total fee paid by a merchant to an acquirer that covers all fees related to processing transactions for the merchant. The MSF can be different under various conditions which may be influenced by aspects such as number of transactions, average transaction size, value of international transactions, types of accepted payment methods, etc. See below for details on what fees make up the Merchant Service Fee.

What is an Interchange Fee?

The Interchange Fee is a fee paid by a merchant's acquirer to a cardholder's bank (issuer), which is set by card schemes (Visa/Mastercard) for each card type. Interchange Fees can vary depending on the card type.

What is a Scheme Fee?

The Scheme Fee is a fee paid by a merchant’s acquirer to the card schemes, which is set by the card schemes.

What is an Acquirer Fee?

The Acquirer Fee is a fee paid by a merchant to an acquirer (e.g. Windcave) to process the transaction for the merchant and can include Scheme Fees depending on the billing model (i.e., Interchange+).

What is an International Fee?

International Fees (also referred to as International Service Assessment (ISA) fees) apply to any transaction where an International Card is used. An International Card is a card that is issued outside of the merchant’s operating country. For EU merchants, an International Card is a card that is issued outside the EEA (European Economic Area). International Fees are applied on top of the base fees for the relevant transaction.

Merchant Service Pricing Models

What is Blended?

The Blended billing model is a single fee item that combines the Interchange Fee, Scheme Fee, and Acquirer Fee into one charge and is free from the potential variability of the other two pricing models available. It is a simplified model where the fee is simply a fixed percentage of total card sales. The monthly invoice does not show a breakdown of the fees as separate items. This pricing model is available in New Zealand, Australia, United Kingdom, and Canada.

  • NZ: Windcave offers individualised rates under the Blended billing model covering Credit, Debit Contactless and International, applied at rates agreed with the merchant.
  • AU/CA: Windcave offers individualised rates under the Blended billing model covering Visa/Mastercard Domestic and International, applied at rates agreed with the merchant.
  • UK: Windcave offers individualised rates at both product (credit and debit) and transaction type (commercial/business and international) levels, applied at rates agreed with the merchant.
What is Interchange+ ?

The Interchange+ billing model has two components, Interchange Fee, and Acquirer Fee. Interchange Fee is a direct pass-through fee defined by the card schemes. Acquirer Fee combines both the Acquirer Fee and Scheme Fee into a single charge. Both Interchange Fee and Acquirer Fees charged for the transactions in the billing period are aggregated and listed as separate fee items on the monthly invoice issued in arrears. This pricing model is available in New Zealand, Australia, United Kingdom, and Canada.

What is Interchange++ ?

The Interchange++ billing model has three components, Interchange Fee, Scheme Fee, and Acquirer Fee. Interchange is a direct pass-through fee defined by the card schemes. Dependent on region, Scheme Fee can either be a direct pass-through fee similar to the Interchange Fee or an average cost, based on the charges received from Visa/Mastercard, as further detailed below.

  • US: Scheme fee is directly pass-through
  • AU/UK: Scheme fee is an average cost based on the charges received from Visa/Mastercard, this fee is reviewed annually starting from the 1st of July and applied on the 1st of August.

The Acquirer Fee is set by Windcave for services provided to the merchant for processing transactions. Interchange Fee, Scheme Fee and Acquirer Fee charged for the transactions in the billing period are aggregated and listed as separate items on the monthly invoice issued in arrears. This pricing model is available in Australia, United Kingdom, and United States.

Pricing Model Breakdown

Blended (1 fee item) Interchange+ (2 fee items) Interchange++ (3 fee items)
Single rate charged based on card type Interchange (Pass Through) Interchange (Pass Through)
Acquirer Fee (Combination of Acquirer Fee and Scheme Fee) Scheme Fee (Average Cost)
Acquirer Fee


When do the funds show up in my bank account?

Funds are generally settled into your destinated bank account the following business day although this can vary depending on your location and the time at which your transactions cut-off for the day. The time at which funds are available for use may differ between banks.

What is settlement cut-off time?

The cut-off time is the time within a 24 hour period that transactions are closed for that days trading.

Can I change my settlement cut-off time?

Yes, Windcave supports custom settlement cut-off times, allowing you to determine the best time to cut-off your days transactions to match with your business operating hours.


What is a chargeback?

A chargeback is a charge that is returned to a payment card after a customer successfully disputes a charge on their card account statement

Can Chargebacks be avoided?

Windcave will always aim to defend chargebacks on your behalf. If the chargeback was raised due to fraud and you have 3Dsecure (Card not present) or EMV – Contact/contactless (Card Present) then we can defend you transaction. If the transaction was not completed with either service then you need to provide proof the cardholder transaction was legitimate.

For more details, please refer to Chargeback FAQs


Where can I go for help?

We have a 24 hour, 7 days a week support team who can help you with the queries related your Windcave account. Contact us at [email protected].


My customers are receiving responses that inform that their card type isn't accepted, why is that?

You may not have a merchant facility for a certain card type the customer is trying. Your merchant account with your bank will enable to take Visa &MasterCard payments. If you would like customers to be able to use their Amex and Diners cards for example, you will need a merchant facility that supports those card types.

What happens if the cardholders bank or my acquirer is temporarily off-line for some reason? What kind of response will I get?

If your acquirer is down or the cardholder's bank, you usually will not get your standard declined response codes (expired card, insufficient funds etc). If you receive any bank response that seems unfamiliar you should contact your acquirer.

How can we tell whether responses are returned from our acquirer or from Windcave? What is the difference?

Response codes are 2 digits and are returned as numeric responses from the acquirer. Windcave errors will return alphanumeric response codes. For acquirer error codes you should contact your merchant service provider if you wish to query anything. For Windcave responses you should contact our support help desk.

Windcave is responding with the same error code regardless of the transaction we are sending. Why?

You should contact Windcave support to help troubleshoot, as you may have some configuration issues.

Invoices - A/C Receivable

Why aren't I just charged for successful transactions?

Our service is to validate transactions in real time with your acquirer. We validate every transaction whether it is returned as declined or approved and charge for every transaction verified.

My current invoice says I have done 850 transactions, however when I run a report it only shows 800. Why is there a difference?

Transactions are stored in our databases at UTC (GMT), so our invoices are generated in UTC time. You will need to set the report times to match GMT in the desired month.

I wish to pay my invoice by credit card for all future invoices. Is that possible?

Yes, automatic payment by credit card is now available. You can register your card for future billing, contact us to set up.

I wish to pay my invoices by direct debit, how do I go about doing that?

There is a direct debit form on the brochures section of our web site that you can fill in and give to your bank. Alternatively, you can contact our Accounts team at [email protected].

My website will be down for a while. Do I still have to pay Windcave a monthly service fee?

If your account is fully paid up, then you can put your account in suspend mode, which will not encounter a reconnection fee.

When I pay my invoice by money/bank transfer, what should I put as the reference?

The best reference to use is the invoice number.