
Features / Data Insights

Understand Your Customers With Data

View and access real time transaction data across all your business channels.

Discover opportunities by understanding how your customers choose to shop with you.

Analyze Payment Transactions To Identify Market Opportunities.

Windcave's online merchant portal Payline makes it easy to view all transactions across multiple channels and regions in one place. Powerful reporting tools enable you to understand your customers spending behavior to optimize your business services.

Omni-channel Reporting

Omni-channel Reporting

Real-time Data

Real-time Data

Global Platform

Global Platform


View Transaction Data In Real Time.

Be in control of your operations by using the real-time search capabilities to drill down on any transaction on the fly.

Customize User Profiles & Access.

User privilege controls allow for employees to be provided access to key information restricted to their needs whilst giving management access to manage and control their business.


A Powerful Reporting Tool.

Utilize transaction data to get a single source of the truth for your business. Our single platform technology allows you to run reports across all your business channels both online and offline to get a true view of performance.

Find insights on where your key customers are shopping and their preferences to enhance their experience.