Extensions and SDKs

Windcave suggest where possible that merchants utilize the Windcave built payment extensions for supported open source platforms. Doing so ensures you have the latest compliant and secure payment solution for your website or mobile applications.

Platform: Magento

Version Supported: Magento 2.4.2

Marketplace: https://marketplace.magento.com/px-payments.html

Platform: NopCommerce

Version Supported: NopCommerce 4.20, 4.30, 4.40, 4.50, 4.60

Marketplace: https://www.nopcommerce.com/en/windcave-payment-module

Platform: Drupal

Version Supported: Drupal 7 (Drupal Commerce 1.x)

Download: Drupal 7 (Drupal Commerce 1.x)

User Guide: Drupal 7 (Drupal Commerce 1.x)

Version Supported: Drupal 8, 9, or 10 (Drupal Commerce 2.x)

Download: Drupal 8, 9, or 10 (Drupal Commerce 2.x)

User Guide: Drupal 8, 9, or 10 (Drupal Commerce 2.x)

Note: existing installations upgrading to v8.x-2.0+ MUST check the Windcave module API URL setting and ensure it is updated from https://sec.windcave.com/api to https://sec.windcave.com/api/v1 after upgrading the module.

Platform: Odoo

Version Supported: Odoo v14

Download: Odoo v14

Version Supported: Odoo v16

Download: Odoo v16.0.1

Version Supported: Odoo v17

Download: Odoo v17

Platform: Odoo POS

Version Supported: Odoo POS v17

Download: Odoo POS v17

Platform: Flectra

Version Supported: Flectra v1.7.x

Download: Flectra v1.7.x

Platform: OpenCart

Version Supported: OpenCart 3.0.3.x

Download: OpenCart 3.0.3.x

User Guide: OpenCart v1.0

Platform: osCommerce

Version Supported: osCommerce v2.3

Download: osCommerce v2.3

User Guide: osCommerce v1.0

Platform: PrestaShop

Version Supported: PrestaShop 1.7.6

Download: PrestaShop 1.7.6

User Guide: Prestashop v1.0

Platform: WooCommerce

Version Supported: WooCommerce 7.0.1 or later (WordPress 5.8 or later)

Download: WooCommerce v1.1.10

User Guide: WooCommerce v1.2

Platform: X-Cart

Version Supported: X-Cart v5

Download: X-Cart v5

User Guide: X-Cart v1.0


HIT iOS SDK Module

HITModule 0.4.0 iOS-arm

HITModule 0.4.0 iOS-Universal

Universal bundle should be used when the application is supposed to be tested on iOS device and simulator (it contains binaries for both ARM and x86/x86_64 architectures). When application is built using this version, it will be rejected by App Store.

ARM version should be used when the application is tested on iOS device only (not on simulator). This version should be used to build the application before uploading it into the App Store.


HIT Android SDK Module

HIT 0.4.1 Android - uses AndroidX so it targets newer versions of Android.

HIT 0.4.1-support-v4-release Android - works on older Android versions if required to build the app for older Android versions.


PxPay iOS SDK Module

PxPay 0.6.3 iOS-arm

PxPay 0.6.3 iOS-Universal

Universal bundle should be used when the application is supposed to be tested on iOS device and simulator (it contains binaries for both ARM and x86/x86_64 architectures). When application is built using this version, it will be rejected by App Store.

ARM version should be used when the application is tested on iOS device only (not on simulator). This version should be used to build the application before uploading it into the App Store.


PxPay Android SDK Module

Pxpay 0.6.2 Android