
The Windcave Drop-In solution is a client-side JavaScript (JS) library that allows merchants to construct the UI for accepting payments at their checkout page while maintaining PCI compliance for the interface.

For detailed information about Drop-In its features and integrating it into your payment checkout please review the below page.


Outlined below are items that must be meet before implementing the Drop-In payment solution:

To get started with your Windcave Drop-In integration you will need a REST API account, to setup a new account please contact the sales team for a quote and complete the requirements gathering form to request development credentials.

Once signed up our team will create development credentials based on the requirements provided in the above form, we will provide a API username and API Key; both of which must be securely transferred and stored on your web-server.

Supported Browsers

This table outlines the currently supported Web Browsers and versions:

Browser Version
Chrome 70+
Edge 80+
Firefox 90+
Internet Explorer 11
Opera 85+
Safari (iOS/MacOS) 12+

Supported Payment Methods

Outlined below are the payment methods currently supported by the Drop-In solution:

Please note some payment methods are redirect based, this means when the customer proceeds with them they will be redirected off the merchants website to the payment page. Once payment is complete they will be redirected to one of the callback URL's specified in the Create Session request.
  • Card payments
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • Account2Account (redirect-based)
  • Alipay (redirect-based)
  • PayPal (redirect-based)
  • UnionPay (redirect-based)
  • WeChat Pay (redirect-based)

Content Security Policy

The Windcave Drop-In solution is very dynamic and may load various resources to ensure the payment checkout functions as expected, to ensure everything is able to load correctly merchants may need to include additional Content Security Policies (CSP) to prevent blocking of any necessary resources.

Please note merchants not using any Content Security Policies will not need to make any changes.

Outlined below are the basic directives to be whitelisted:

Directive Production (SEC) User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
connect-src https://sec.windcave.com https://uat.windcave.com
font-src https://sec.windcave.com/fonts/ https://uat.windcave.com/fonts/
img-src https://sec.windcave.com https://uat.windcave.com
script-src https://sec.windcave.com/js/ https://uat.windcave.com/js/
style-src 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-inline'
frame-ancestors https://sec.windcave.com https://uat.windcave.com

For merchants looking to support Google Pay or Apple Pay the below additional directives should be whitelisted:

  • Google Pay
    • frame-src https://pay.google.com
    • img-src https://pay.google.com and https://www.gstatic.com/instantbuy/
    • script-src https://pay.google.com
    • style-src https://pay.google.com
    • font-src https://fonts.gstatic.com
  • Apple Pay
    • script-src https://applepay.cdn-apple.com/jsapi/v1/apple-pay-sdk.js

Google Pay Registration

Merchants who would like to accept Google Pay must obtain a Windcave assigned merchantId, this identifier is provided during the setup process; if you have not received an id please contact your Windcave Account manager or [email protected] (for development accounts contact [email protected]) to request setting up Google Pay for your REST API username.

Please note the Windcave assigned merchantId is unique for development and production accounts, if testing in the UAT environment please ensure you request and update to your production merchantId prior to going live.

Before going live merchants must also submit a request to Google to publish their integration and request production access for Google Pay. Please refer to Google's Publish your integration guide for further details and how to obtain your Google assigned merchantId. When constructing the Drop-In component you must submit both the Windcave and Google generated merchantId values, see the options.mobilePayments.googlePay Subobject for further details.

Once complete make sure you set isTest to false when initiating the Drop-In to enable Google Pay production mode.

Apple Pay Domain Registration

Merchants who would like to accept Apple Pay through the Drop-In solution will need to follow the below additional steps before their account can be registered for Apple Pay:

  1. Host the below file on your server
  2. The file must be accessible at: /.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association i.e., if planning to display the Drop-In component at https://example.com/guest/checkout then the above file must be accessible at the following URL: https://example.com/.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association, this URL cannot be a redirection to the file it must be served at this URL
  3. Once the above is accessible please contact the Windcave Activations team to request adding Apple Pay to your REST username
  4. One of our team will then complete the Apple Pay registration for your REST API username

Implementing Drop-In

JavaScript Files

In order to implement Drop-In into the payment checkout merchants need to load the Windcave JS files onto the <head> element of the checkout page:

Important: All JS files MUST be referenced from the Windcave domain, merchants are not permitted to download and serve these files from their own servers.

<script src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/lib/drop-in-v1.js"></script> <script src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/windcavepayments-dropin-v1.js"></script> <script src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/lib/hosted-fields-v1.js"></script> <script src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/windcavepayments-hostedfields-v1.js"></script>

To improve page loading times these scripts can be safely marked as async or defer per below example:

<script async src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/lib/drop-in-v1.js"></script> <script async src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/windcavepayments-dropin-v1.js"></script> <script async src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/lib/hosted-fields-v1.js"></script> <script async src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/windcavepayments-hostedfields-v1.js"></script>

Merchants who wish to support Google Pay and Apple Pay must also load the below additional files:

<script async src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/windcavepayments-applepay-v1.js"></script> <script async src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/windcavepayments-googlepay-v1.js"></script>

Creating a Session

The Drop-In component utilizes a Windcave REST API Session, this is created using the Create Session request.

Important: The Create Session request must be sent from the merchant server as a Server to Server (S2S) request.

Below is an example of a simple Create Session request:


          POST   https://sec.windcave.com/api/v1/sessions


          Authorization: Basic ABC123

Request Body:

           "type": "purchase",
           "amount": "1.00",
           "currency": "NZD",
           "merchantReference": "1234ABC",
           "language": "en",
           "callbackUrls": {
            "approved": "https://example.com/success",
            "declined": "https://example.com/fail",
            "cancelled": "https://example.com/cancel"
           "notificationUrl": "https://example.com/txn_result?123"

For more in-depth information on sending a Create Session request and processing the response please refer to the API reference documentation.

Upon receiving the session response the merchant server must pass the value of the "links" field back to the front-end for constructing the Drop-In component.

It is strongly recommended that merchants pass the "links" field in its entirety without modifying, this will allow merchants to offer new payment methods as they become available without further development effort.

Below is an example of the Create Session Response with the "links" field:

Response Body:

           "id": "00001200002116585f8d891123456787",
           "state": "init",
           "links": [{
            "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/api/v1/sessions/00001200002116585f8d891123456787",
            "rel": "self",
            "method": "GET"
           }, {
            "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/pxmi3/F0AD7308709093294215B271C6E087134C33EB015769FCFBA5322EE8F69378EB1D895FD231D9A10C116A6DA19F34F460A",
            "rel": "hpp",
            "method": "REDIRECT"
           }, {
            "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/pxmi3/F5A2BEDE53131E04066A068518F8D02BC422773FE5427CE19E05A5472028EABF01AC08C38D6378B26B6FD68134DCC0FBD",
            "rel": "seamless_hpp",
            "method": "REDIRECT"
           }, {
            "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/pxmi3/F02CBA539AA694D6ECDEA85D44CCE23679B11B3ADEAE7484F34E591DF44D96E0ADC35F47CFD7AC50F0C10805AE08D964C",
            "rel": "submitCard",
            "method": "FORM_POST"
           }, {
            "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/pxmi3/F6AF0F75C5EE172E1E6C29B4AAF60023A48BFA2103B78F50DF414F5D93902847D7DAF157683429F15E53995AC645D5DA1",
            "rel": "paymentMethod:paypal",
            "method": "REDIRECT"
           }, {
            "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/mh/F105F622A16AA024CCCC4D7BCF4077B687C8E180886CF76C4DEB488635298070089E907543745D2BB7B60845E9C6BED34",
            "rel": "ajaxSubmitCard",
            "method": "AJAX_POST"
           }, {
            "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/mh/FA0F72460E5A7D66289271BBD5E7F625EE767DC8A0FEE92E8E24496D8E0C20BC3E6601EE2D2CF7E9F3074F6515D131923",
            "rel": "ajaxSubmitGooglePay",
            "method": "AJAX_POST"
           }, {
            "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/mh/FBA081BB5FC6805CD9DC88DA56A14020B01492B1C4ED273452DF9E668BD9334E07ED370DD3E7F10B007C0820A79DE415D",
            "rel": "ajaxSubmitApplePay",
            "method": "AJAX_POST"

Creating the Drop-In Component

After all JS files have been loaded and the REST Session created, the next step is to create the Drop-In component for the checkout page.

To do this the merchant needs to call the WindcavePayments.DropIn.create method, this method returns a Drop-In controller that should be stored into a variable for future use.

The interface of the WindcavePayments.DropIn.create method is as follows:

WindcavePayments.DropIn.create(options, onSuccess, onError)

  • options is a JS object containing settings for the Drop-In component (details in next section)
  • onSuccess is a callback that is triggered when the Drop-In component is successfully constructed
  • onError is a callback that is triggered when constructing the Drop-In component has failed
Important: The onSuccess and onError callbacks passed to the create method are strictly to indicate the result of the Drop-In component construction, these callbacks DO NOT indicate the payment outcome and MUST not be implemented in this way.

options Object

This object has a variety of different fields that can be included, some fields are required while others are optional:

Required Fields:
Important: The container MUST exist before constructing the Drop-In, if not empty the Drop-In code will clear it.

Field Name Description
container The ID of the DOM element that will hold the Drop-In component
links The array of links that will be used for constructing the Drop-In obtained from the REST Create Session request

Optional Fields:
Generally, getting onError with stage values of (setup, pre-submit, and payment-start) means the customer can attempt another payment method.
All the other stages mean a new session is required to retry the payment.

Field Name Description

A callback that is triggered once transaction is finished, this callback receives a single argument of status

Important: This is different to the onSuccess callback passed in the create method alongside the options argument

The status returned can be either:

  • Done - Indicates the transaction is finished
  • 3DSecure - Indicates the start of the 3DSecure process
Note: When 3DSecure is involved this callback will be triggered twice, first with status of 3DSecure and the second with status of Done

A callback that is triggered when the mobile wallet transaction has failed, this callback receives two arguments of stage and error

The stage argument specifies at which state of the payment the failure occurred, below are the possible values:

  • setup - The error has occurred during initialization of mobile wallet session
  • pre-submit - The error has occurred after the customer has approved the transaction but before it has been submitted to Windcave for processing
  • submit - The error has occurred after the data was submitted to Windcave. One of possible issues is Windcave server has triggered 3DSecure, but the JS wasn't able to process that response
  • transaction - The error has occurred while processing the final response from the Windcave
  • payment-start - The payment has been cancelled during the processing of the Payment Start call

An optional callback that is triggered when the customer starts payment process i.e., presses submit the card or start Apple Pay/Google Pay transaction.
The callback has three arguments:

  • paymentMethod - the payment method that has been selected by the customer
  • next - the function to proceed with processing the selected payment method. Once the merchants code finished preparation, it needs to call next with no arguments to allow the Drop-In continue with the payment process
  • cancel - the function to cancel processing. If for whatever reason the merchants code decides that they do not wish to proceed with payment, the cancel has to be called with no arguments. In this scenario the merchant should expect onError to be triggered with payment-start stage
env The environment the Drop-In should work with. Possible values are qa , dev , uat , sec . Default value is sec
mobilePayments Subobject containing options for Apple Pay and Google Pay, further details are documented below
card Subobject containing settings for the Card payment method, further details are documented below
totalValue The number that defines the amount to pay. Currently only used for Apple Pay and Google Pay to display on their payment sheets
styles Subobject used to define styles to apply to the Drop-In elements, further details documented below
darkModeConfig The string defining what color them the Drop-In component should display in.
Default value is light, possible values are:
  • light - Drop-In should display in light colors
  • dark - Drop-In should display in dark colors
  • auto - Drop-In should inherit from browser setting
hideSelectPaymentMethodTitle Boolean value used to determine if "Select Payment Method" header should be hidden. Default value is False

options.mobilePayments Subobject

The mobilePayments subobject contains generic options for all mobile wallets, as well as some options for specific mobile wallets. Available fields are:

Field Name Description
merchantName Defines the name of the merchant starting the payment
countryCode Merchant's two-letter ISO 3166 country code. Default value is NZ
currencyCode Transaction's three-letter ISO 4217 currency code
buttonStyle Defines the style for the button. Default value is black, possible values are:
  • black
  • white
  • white-outline
Note: white-outline is only applicable for Apple Pay, this will be treated as white for Google Pay transactions
buttonType Defines the type of button the merchant wants to display. Default value is buy, possible values are:
  • book
  • buy
  • checkout
  • donate
  • order
  • pay
  • plain
  • subscribe
buttonLocale Defines the desired button locale. The button locale type uses ISO-639-1 code for the language, followed by a hyphen (-), and the ISO-3166-1 code for the region. Default value is en-US
supportedNetworks The array of allowed card networks. Possible values are:
  • amex
  • discover
  • interac
  • jcb
  • masterCard
  • visa
requiredContactDetails The array of address types to be requested from the user for mobile payment options, these details will be passed through to Windcave to be stored in the transaction record.
Possible values are:
  • billing
  • shipping
isTest A boolean value that indicates whether the current transaction is a test or production one. Default value is False
Note: This value currently only applicable to Google Pay transactions.
googlePay Subobject used to define options specific to Google Pay, further details documented below
applePay Subobject used to define options specific to Apple Pay, further details documented below
onPaymentStart An optional callback that is triggered once the customer starts the payment process i.e., presses the submit for card payment or start Apple Pay / Google Pay transaction

The callback has arguments:

  • paymentMethod - The payment method that has been selected by the customer
  • next - The function to proceed processing the selected payment method. Once the merchant's code finished preparation, it must call next with no arguments to allow Drop-In to continue the payment process
  • cancel - The function to cancel processing. If for any reason the merchant's code opts to not proceed with payment, it must call cancel with no arguments to allow Drop-In to cancel the payment process. If called the merchant should expect onError to be triggered with stage of payment-start

options.mobilePayments.googlePay Subobject

This subobject contains fields specific to Google Pay, available fields are:

Field Name Description
merchantId A Windcave assigned Google Pay merchant identifier
googleMerchantId Google assigned Google Pay merchant identifier, see Google Pay Registration for further details.

For live setups where isTest is set to False this field should be set to the Google merchantId from the merchants Google account.

For development setups where isTest is set to True this field should be set to 00000000.

supportPANOnly Defines if transactions using cards stored in the Google account i.e., cards added directly into the Google account, not via Google Wallet on the Android phone are allowed. Default value is True.
supportTokens Defines if transactions using cards stored as Android device tokens are allowed. Default value is True
requiredContactDetails The array of address types to be requested from the user for Google Pay, these details will be passed through to Windcave to be stored in the transaction record.
This overrides the options.mobilePayments.requiredContactDetails for Google Pay transactions if present. Possible values are:
  • billing
  • shipping
onSuccess A callback specific to Google Pay transactions only, the details for this callback are identical to onSuccess in the options subobject.

Note: When specified this callback will be triggered instead of the one from the options subobject

onError A callback specific to Google Pay transactions only, the details for this callback are identical to onError in the options subobject.

Note: When specified this callback will be triggered instead of the one from the options subobject

options.mobilePayments.applePay Subobject

This subobject contains fields specific to Apple Pay, available fields are:

Field Name Description
merchantId A Windcave assigned Apple Pay merchant identifier
requiredContactDetails The array of address types to be requested from the user for Apple Pay, these details will be passed through to Windcave to be stored in the transaction record.
This overrides the options.mobilePayments.requiredContactDetais for Apple Pay transactions if present. Possible values are:
  • billing
  • shipping
onSuccess A callback specific to Apple Pay transactions only, the details for this callback are identical to onSuccess in the options subobject.

Note: When specified this callback will be triggered instead of the one from the options subobject

onError A callback specific to Apple Pay transactions only, the details for this callback are identical to onError in the options subobject.

Note: When specified this callback will be triggered instead of the one from the options subobject

options.card Subobject

The card subobject contains options for card based payments, the available fields are:

Field Name Description
title Defines the title to be used for the card payment option, default value is Credit/Debit Card

Defines what payment network icons should appear next to the card payment title. Possible values are:

Note: Icons will only be displayed if there is enough width to display all icons specified

  • visa
  • mastercard
  • amex
  • jcb
  • discover
  • diners
  • unionpay
  • farmlands
supportedCards Defines the array of payment networks merchants wish the Drop-In to recognize and display the icon of while the card number is typed. Possible values are:
  • visa
  • mastercard
  • amex
  • jcb
  • discover
  • diners
  • unionpay
  • farmlands
  • other
cardImagePlacement Defines where the card schema icon will be placed relative to the card number field, default value is right. Possible values are:
  • left
  • right
hideCardholderName Defines whether the cardholder name field should be hidden, default value is False
disableCardAutoComplete Defines whether the card number auto-fill should be disabled, default value is False
optionalCvc Defines whether the card security code field should be optional, default value is false i.e., CVC is required

options.styles Subobject

This subobject allows merchants to add custom styling to the Drop-In container should they wish to use alternative styling to the Windcave default.

Customisation can also be achieved through CSS using the class names listed should the merchant opt not to use JS for styling.

The available fields are:

Field Name CSS Class Name Description
container windcave-dropin-container styling properties for the main drop-in container
itemGroup windcave-dropin-item-group styling properties for the payment method container
itemGroupHover windcave-dropin-item-group:hover styling properties for hovering over the payment method container
itemToggleCheckbox windcave-dropin-item-toggle-checkbox styling for the checkbox of the payment method selector
itemToggleCheckboxActive windcave-dropin-item-toggle-checkbox-active styling for the active state of the payment method selector checkbox
itemToggle windcave-dropin-item-toggle styling for the payment method selector
itemContainer windcave-dropin-item-container styling for the payment method content container
redirectButton windcave-dropin-redirect-button styling for the redirect button of the redirect-based payment methods
redirectButtonHover windcave-dropin-redirect-button:hover styling for the hover state of the redirect button
cardBackButton windcave-dropin-card-back-button styling for the "Back" button of the card payment method
cardBackButtonHover windcave-dropin-card-back-button:hover styling for the hover state of the card payment method "Back" button
cardSubmitButton windcave-dropin-card-submit-button styling for the "Submit" button of the card payment method
cardSubmitButtonHover windcave-dropin-card-submit-button:hover styling for the hover state of the card payment method "Submit" button
cardFormButtons windcave-dropin-card-form-buttons styling for the container of Back/Submit buttons of the card payment method
selectPaymentText windcave-dropin-select-payment-text styling for the "Select Payment Method" header text
alternativePaymentMethodsText windcave-dropin-alternative-payment-methods-text styling for the container of alternative payment methods text (with "or pay with" text)
alternativePaymentMethodsTextSpan windcave-dropin-alternative-payment-methods-text-span styling for the alternative payment methods text
cardInput windcave-hf-input the base style for the Hosted Field container
cardInputContainer windcave-hf-input-container the style applied to the Hosted Field container
cardInputContainerFocused windcave-hf-input-container-focused the style applied to the Hosted Field container when the input gets the focus
cardInputValid windcave-hf-input-valid the style added to the Hosted Field container when it has been determined the input is valid
cardInputInvalid windcave-hf-input-invalid the style added to the Hosted Field container when it has been determined the input is invalid
cardInputGroup windcave-hf-input-group the style added to the Hosted Field group container (the DIV containing the field title as well as the Hosted Field and its inline error message)

Drop-In Component Methods

Below are optional methods exposed by the Drop-In controller to allow merchants additional control and customization options for the Drop-In component.

controller.setDarkModeConfig Method

This method can be used to set the theme for the Drop-In component, this is done by calling controller.setDarkModeConfig(config: DOMString) with one of the options below:

  • light - Sets the Drop-In to display in "light" mode
  • dark - Sets the Drop-In to display in "dark" mode
  • auto - Sets the Drop-In to display based on browser configuration. The Drop-In component will switch automatically when the browser changes mode, there is no need to trigger a method or function call when the browser switches mode.
controller.massSetAddressInfo Method

The controller.massSetAddressInfo (addressInfo: WindcaveAddressInfo) method can be used to store customer address information in the Drop-In component, this addres information will only be used when customer is paying via the card payment option i.e., credit/debit card.

Calling this method will cause any previous address information provided to be disgarded even if no address information is provided in the controller.massSetAddressInfo method.

For more information about the address structure please see WindcaveAddressInfo Object.

controller.massMergeAddressInfo Method

The controller.massMergeAddressInfo (addressInfo: WindcaveAddressInfo) method can be used to store customer address information in the Drop-In component, this addres information will only be used when customer is paying via the card payment option i.e., credit/debit card.

Calling this method will cause any previously provided address information to be replaced by the values in the WindcaveAddressInfo object, any previously populated fields not included in the WindcaveAddressInfo object will have their values preserved.

For more information about the address structure please see WindcaveAddressInfo Object.

controller.setAddressInfo Method

The controller.setAddressInfo (value: DOMString, field: DOMString, billingOrShipping: DOMString) method can be used to to store customer address information in the Drop-In component, this addres information will only be used when customer is paying via the card payment option i.e., credit/debit card.

Calling this method sets a single address field in either the billing address, shipping address, or both.

Below outlines the possible field parameters:

  • address1
  • address2
  • address3
  • city
  • countryCode
  • postalCode
  • state
  • name
  • phoneNumber

The billingOrShipping parameter affects whether this method call will set the appropriate address field in the billing address, the shipping address, or both. Possible arguments are:

  • billing - sets value in billing address only
  • shipping - sets value in shipping address only
  • all - affects both shipping and billing address information
controller.clearAddressInfo Method

This method is used to clear any billing or shipping information stored in the Drop-In component, it causes the Drop-In component to NOT pass any of the customers billing or shipping address information when the customer pays. This is done by calling controller.clearAddressInfo() method.

Note this method is only relevant when massSetAddressInfo, massMergeAddressInfo, or setAddressInfo methods were previously called for the Drop-In component.

WindcaveAddressInfo Object

The WindcaveAddressInfo object is used to provide customer address information in the massSetAddressInfo and massMergeAddressInfo methods, the structure of the object is outlined below:

Note each field and value is optional, not all fields must be included.

           billing: AddressInfo,
           shipping: AddressInfo

Below is a complete example where billing and shipping address information has been included:

           billing: {
            address1: "123 Test Street",
            address2: "Deliverytown",
            city: "Auckland",
            countryCode: "NZ",
            postalCode: "90210"
           shipping: {
            address1: "123 Test Street",
            address2: "Deliverytown",
            city: "Auckland",
            countryCode: "NZ",
            postalCode: "90210"

AddressInfo Object

The AddressInfo object is used to provide customer address information in the WindcaveAddressInfo object, the structure of the object is outlined below:

Note each field and value is optional, not all fields must be included.

           address1: DOMString,
           address2: DOMString,
           address3: DOMString,
           city: DOMString,
           countryCode: DOMString,
           postalCode: DOMString,
           state: DOMString,
           name: DOMString,
           phoneNumber: DOMString

Below is an example of a populated AddressInfo object:

           address1: "123 Test Street",
           address2: "Deliverytown",
           city: "Auckland",
           countryCode: "NZ",
           postalCode: "90210"

Drop-In Examples

Below are examples of the Drop-In solution.

Short Example

This example illustrates creating the Drop-In using the minimum options, relying on mostly defaults:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0"> <script async src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/lib/drop-in-v1.js"></script> <script async src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/windcavepayments-dropin-v1.js"></script> <script async src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/lib/hosted-fields-v1.js"></script> <script async src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/windcavepayments-hostedfields-v1.js"></script> <script async src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/windcavepayments-applepay-v1.js"></script> <script async src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/windcavepayments-googlepay-v1.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="drop-in-container"></div> <script> window.addEventListener('load', function() { var data = { container: "drop-in-container", mobilePayments: { merchantName: "Test Store", countryCode: "NZ", currencyCode: "NZD", supportedNetworks: [ "visa", "mastercard", "amex" ], isTest: true, applePay: { merchantId: "mid_19d26acb86bb4b34b3bead9eec1442e7" }, googlePay: { merchantId: "mid_f457ac19cf41425899ff13882227da57", googleMerchantId: "00000000" } }, totalValue: "10.00", links: [{ "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/api/v1/sessions/00001200002116585f8d891123456787", "rel": "self", "method": "GET" }, { "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/pxmi3/F0AD7308709093294215B271C6E087134C33EB015769FCFBA5322EE8F69378EB1D895FD231D9A10C116A6DA19F34F460A", "rel": "hpp", "method": "REDIRECT" }, { "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/pxmi3/F5A2BEDE53131E04066A068518F8D02BC422773FE5427CE19E05A5472028EABF01AC08C38D6378B26B6FD68134DCC0FBD", "rel": "seamless_hpp", "method": "REDIRECT" }, { "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/pxmi3/F02CBA539AA694D6ECDEA85D44CCE23679B11B3ADEAE7484F34E591DF44D96E0ADC35F47CFD7AC50F0C10805AE08D964C", "rel": "submitCard", "method": "FORM_POST" }, { "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/pxmi3/F6AF0F75C5EE172E1E6C29B4AAF60023A48BFA2103B78F50DF414F5D93902847D7DAF157683429F15E53995AC645D5DA1", "rel": "paymentMethod:paypal", "method": "REDIRECT" }, { "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/mh/F105F622A16AA024CCCC4D7BCF4077B687C8E180886CF76C4DEB488635298070089E907543745D2BB7B60845E9C6BED34", "rel": "ajaxSubmitCard", "method": "AJAX_POST" }, { "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/mh/FA0F72460E5A7D66289271BBD5E7F625EE767DC8A0FEE92E8E24496D8E0C20BC3E6601EE2D2CF7E9F3074F6515D131923", "rel": "ajaxSubmitGooglePay", "method": "AJAX_POST" }, { "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/mh/FBA081BB5FC6805CD9DC88DA56A14020B01492B1C4ED273452DF9E668BD9334E07ED370DD3E7F10B007C0820A79DE415D", "rel": "ajaxSubmitApplePay", "method": "AJAX_POST" } ], card: { supportedCards: [ "visa", "mastercard", "amex" ], sideIcons: [ "visa", "mastercard", "amex" ] }, onSuccess: function(status) { if (status == "3DSecure") return; console.log("Transaction finished"); if (window.windcaveDropIn) { window.windcaveDropIn.close(); window.windcaveDropIn = null; } }, onError: function(error) { console.log("Transaction failed"); if (window.windcaveDropIn) { window.windcaveDropIn.close(); window.windcaveDropIn = null; } } }; window.windcaveDropIn = WindcavePayments.DropIn.create(data); }); </script> </body> </html>

Full Example

This example illustrates creating the Drop-In using almost all the options available with the exception of "styles":

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0"> <script src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/lib/drop-in-v1.js"></script> <script src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/windcavepayments-dropin-v1.js"></script> <script src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/lib/hosted-fields-v1.js"></script> <script src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/windcavepayments-hostedfields-v1.js"></script> <script src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/windcavepayments-applepay-v1.js"></script> <script src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/windcavepayments-googlepay-v1.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="drop-in-container"></div> <script> window.addEventListener('load', function() { var data = { container: "drop-in-container", mobilePayments: { buttonType: "plain", buttonStyle: "black", buttonLocale: "en-US", merchantName: "Test Store", countryCode: "NZ", currencyCode: "NZD", supportedNetworks: [ "visa", "mastercard", "amex" ], isTest: true, applePay: { merchantId: "mid_19d26acb86bb4b34b3bead9eec1442e7", onSuccess: function(status) { if (status === "success") { console.log("Apple Pay transaction finished"); if (window.windcaveDropIn) { window.windcaveDropIn.close(); window.windcaveDropIn = null; } } }, onError: function(stage, error) { if (stage == "submit" || stage == "transaction") { console.log("Apple Pay transaction failed"); if (window.windcaveDropIn) { window.windcaveDropIn.close(); window.windcaveDropIn = null; } } } }, googlePay: { merchantId: "mid_f457ac19cf41425899ff13882227da57", googleMerchantId: "00000000", supportPANOnly: true, supportTokens: true, onSuccess: function() { if (status === "success") { console.log("Google Pay transaction finished"); if (window.windcaveDropIn) { window.windcaveDropIn.close(); window.windcaveDropIn = null; } } }, onError: function(stage, error) { if (stage == "submit" || stage == "transaction") { console.log("Google Pay transaction failed"); if (window.windcaveDropIn) { window.windcaveDropIn.close(); window.windcaveDropIn = null; } } } } }, totalValue: "10.00", links: [{ "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/api/v1/sessions/00001200002116585f8d891123456787", "rel": "self", "method": "GET" }, { "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/pxmi3/F0AD7308709093294215B271C6E087134C33EB015769FCFBA5322EE8F69378EB1D895FD231D9A10C116A6DA19F34F460A", "rel": "hpp", "method": "REDIRECT" }, { "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/pxmi3/F5A2BEDE53131E04066A068518F8D02BC422773FE5427CE19E05A5472028EABF01AC08C38D6378B26B6FD68134DCC0FBD", "rel": "seamless_hpp", "method": "REDIRECT" }, { "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/pxmi3/F02CBA539AA694D6ECDEA85D44CCE23679B11B3ADEAE7484F34E591DF44D96E0ADC35F47CFD7AC50F0C10805AE08D964C", "rel": "submitCard", "method": "FORM_POST" }, { "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/pxmi3/F6AF0F75C5EE172E1E6C29B4AAF60023A48BFA2103B78F50DF414F5D93902847D7DAF157683429F15E53995AC645D5DA1", "rel": "paymentMethod:paypal", "method": "REDIRECT" }, { "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/mh/F105F622A16AA024CCCC4D7BCF4077B687C8E180886CF76C4DEB488635298070089E907543745D2BB7B60845E9C6BED34", "rel": "ajaxSubmitCard", "method": "AJAX_POST" }, { "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/mh/FA0F72460E5A7D66289271BBD5E7F625EE767DC8A0FEE92E8E24496D8E0C20BC3E6601EE2D2CF7E9F3074F6515D131923", "rel": "ajaxSubmitGooglePay", "method": "AJAX_POST" }, { "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/mh/FBA081BB5FC6805CD9DC88DA56A14020B01492B1C4ED273452DF9E668BD9334E07ED370DD3E7F10B007C0820A79DE415D", "rel": "ajaxSubmitApplePay", "method": "AJAX_POST" } ], card: { hideCardholderName: true, supportedCards: [ "visa", "mastercard", "amex" ], disableCardAutoComplete: false, cardImagePlacement: "right", sideIcons: [ "visa", "mastercard", "amex" ] }, onSuccess: function(status) { if (status == "3DSecure") return; console.log("Transaction finished"); if (window.windcaveDropIn) { window.windcaveDropIn.close(); window.windcaveDropIn = null; } }, onError: function(error) { console.log("Transaction failed"); if (window.windcaveDropIn) { window.windcaveDropIn.close(); window.windcaveDropIn = null; } } }; window.windcaveDropIn = WindcavePayments.DropIn.create(data, function () { console.log("Drop-In created successfully"); }, function (err) { console.log("Drop-In creating failed"); } ); }); </script> </body> </html>

Full Example

This is an example illustrates the Drop-In without mobile wallets, links for these can still be included, but as no mobile wallet details have been provided those payment options will not be constructed:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0"> <script src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/lib/drop-in-v1.js"></script> <script src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/windcavepayments-dropin-v1.js"></script> <script src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/lib/hosted-fields-v1.js"></script> <script src="https://sec.windcave.com/js/windcavepayments-hostedfields-v1.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="drop-in-container"></div> <script> window.addEventListener('load', function() { var data = { container: "drop-in-container", links: [{ "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/api/v1/sessions/00001200002116585f8d891123456787", "rel": "self", "method": "GET" }, { "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/pxmi3/F0AD7308709093294215B271C6E087134C33EB015769FCFBA5322EE8F69378EB1D895FD231D9A10C116A6DA19F34F460A", "rel": "hpp", "method": "REDIRECT" }, { "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/pxmi3/F5A2BEDE53131E04066A068518F8D02BC422773FE5427CE19E05A5472028EABF01AC08C38D6378B26B6FD68134DCC0FBD", "rel": "seamless_hpp", "method": "REDIRECT" }, { "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/pxmi3/F02CBA539AA694D6ECDEA85D44CCE23679B11B3ADEAE7484F34E591DF44D96E0ADC35F47CFD7AC50F0C10805AE08D964C", "rel": "submitCard", "method": "FORM_POST" }, { "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/pxmi3/F6AF0F75C5EE172E1E6C29B4AAF60023A48BFA2103B78F50DF414F5D93902847D7DAF157683429F15E53995AC645D5DA1", "rel": "paymentMethod:paypal", "method": "REDIRECT" }, { "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/mh/F105F622A16AA024CCCC4D7BCF4077B687C8E180886CF76C4DEB488635298070089E907543745D2BB7B60845E9C6BED34", "rel": "ajaxSubmitCard", "method": "AJAX_POST" }, { "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/mh/FA0F72460E5A7D66289271BBD5E7F625EE767DC8A0FEE92E8E24496D8E0C20BC3E6601EE2D2CF7E9F3074F6515D131923", "rel": "ajaxSubmitGooglePay", "method": "AJAX_POST" }, { "href": "https://sec.windcave.com/mh/FBA081BB5FC6805CD9DC88DA56A14020B01492B1C4ED273452DF9E668BD9334E07ED370DD3E7F10B007C0820A79DE415D", "rel": "ajaxSubmitApplePay", "method": "AJAX_POST" } ], card: { supportedCards: [ "visa", "mastercard", "amex" ], sideIcons: [ "visa", "mastercard", "amex" ] }, onSuccess: function(status) { if (status == "3DSecure") return; console.log("Transaction finished"); if (window.windcaveDropIn) { window.windcaveDropIn.close(); window.windcaveDropIn = null; } }, onError: function(error) { console.log("Transaction failed"); if (window.windcaveDropIn) { window.windcaveDropIn.close(); window.windcaveDropIn = null; } } }; window.windcaveDropIn = WindcavePayments.DropIn.create(data); }); </script> </body> </html>

Troubleshooting and Error Handling

These section outlines some of the unique/unexpected scenarios and how the Drop-In solution handles this.

No Supported Payment Methods in Links

In the event the list of "links" provided when constructing the drop in component contains no supported payment methods, the Drop-In component will be created without any options but the text "No payment options available" will be displayed:

No Supported Payment Methods in Links

Error Preparing Hosted Fields

There are a variety of scenarios where the content of the Hosted Fields is unable to load i.e., Windcave server issue, very slow internet connection, CSP misconfiguration etc.

In this scenario the Drop-In will display a spinner animation while waiting up to 10 seconds for the loading confirmation from all the Hosted Fields:

Error Preparing Hosted Fields

After 10 seconds if the required confirmations have not been received the Drop-In will display an error that "Card payment is currently unavailable"

Mobile Wallets Wait Time

Although not typically an issue it is possible that Apple Pay or Google Pay do not reply with their availability within a timely manner. To keep the behaviour of the Drop-In solution consistent i.e., ensure no payment methods appear or disappear unexpectedly, if Apple Pay or Google Pay have not indicated their availability within 8 seconds the Drop-In solution will proceed as if the payment method is unavailable and thus not display the respective buttons.

Mobile Wallets if JS Not Loaded

In the event the session contains "links" for mobile wallet payment methods but the merchant website has failed/not loaded the required JS files. The Drop-In solution will proceed as if the payment methods are unavailable and thus not display the respective buttons.